Fast, High-Definition Imaging

Spector Optics efficiently captures high-definition, calibrated images, perfectly optimized for automated analysis.


  • Delivers calibrated, high-resolution imagery
  • Equipped to handle both wet and dry core samples
  • High capacity: processes over 1500 meters of cor per shift
  • AI-enhanced images are cloud-stored and immediately accessible globally
  • Intuitive user interface with minimal training needed

Not captured by SPECTOR Optics

Captured by SPECTOR Optics

Core Imaging

Spector Optics is an efficient imaging solution that enhances productivity by automating the capture and calibration of core images. This powerful technology ensures precision in every scan and facilitates collaboration through easy sharing of high-resolution images.

Tailored for mining professionals and geologists, Spector Optics revolutionizes core image acquisition, making it a critical tool for efficient and precise geological analysis.

AI-Powered Core Logging

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